Operating in the field construction chemicals and export of construction chemical raw materials.Our experience and in-depth knowledge give us the flexibility to tailor product solutions to meet customer expectations. Therefore, we can quickly produce quality and effective products & high application with competitive price.

see nikko's project


  • Sustainable development and high efficiency, becoming the leading construction chemicals and production unit in the southern region of Vietnam.
  • Our mission is to bring creative solutions in the field of construction chemicals, helping to increase economic and technical efficiency for users.
  • The company’s core values are expressed through each product and service: rapid innovation – economic and technical efficiency for users – partnership.

Quality products

Nikko Material Co., Ltd. is committed to providing customers with goods and services that meet the following policies:

  1. Ensuring high and stable product quality
  2. Provide the best sales and after-sales services at reasonable prices.
  3. Train a team of professional personnel to satisfy the highest requirements of customers and the sustainable development of the company.
  4. Environmental protection

Product system

  • Additives for Concrete
  • Grinding aids for Cement
  • Ready-mixed mortar system
  • System of waterproofing products
  • Stone tile mortar system
  • Finishing paint system for floors
  • System of auxiliary products: Connection, treatment, surface protection
  • Raw materials for other manufacturing industries
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